Cilentolab, in developing the experiences we offer you, puts special care into every detail, and the food section is one aspect to which we give special attention.
It is with great excitement that we introduce Donatella and Matteo of Roadaggio, an exceptional restaurant on 4 wheels ready to delight you with their gourmet delicacies! Roadaggio is not simply a foodtruck; it is an authentic Restaurant on Wheels with a unique mission: to bring their passion for quality cuisine directly to the streets and squares of the small villages of Cilento.
The quality of raw materials is the inescapable starting point for Donatella and Matteo, who collaborate with small local producers and use the treasures of their vegetable garden to create dishes that tell the authentic story of Cilento. Their commitment aims to provide genuine, sustainable, and delicious dining experiences.
We at Cilentolab and the folks at Roadaggio share a deep love for our area. We both chose to live in the villages of inland Cilento, we in Orria and Donatella and Matteo in Perito. Right across from each other.
The beauty of Roadaggio lies in making good food accessible to everyone! In addition to tasting their delicious proposals at events organized by Cilentolab, you can meet Roadaggio in the squares and streets of inland Cilento.
Follow their Instagram profile to stay up-to-date on their movements and not miss a single detail! We are excited to partner with these amazing guys, joining forces to provide an amazing experience and allow you to immerse yourself in our fascinating world.“I decided to come and live in Cilento to extend my life by 20 years. ” Ancel Keys
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